Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 in Berlin

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Press release
Germany, Berlin | 29.09.2016

In the lead-up to the COP22 Climate Change Summit in Marrakech, Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 (#ECO4CLIM16), the 2016 Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement, is happening in cities, towns and communities around the world, on the week of October 24-30.

In Berlin, an ECO4CLIM16 event will take place on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 5 – 9pm, at Betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin, in partnership with Unternehmensgrün e.V.

As Marrakech initiates the work to effectively implement the Paris Agreement, via a combination of sustainable innovation and international cooperation; ECO4CLIM16 contributes by empowering ecopreneurs to provide communities with sound business solutions to mitigation and adaptation challenges; and strengthening green economy ecosystems and business networks around them.

• First, the Climate Innovation Lab, where ecopreneurs, green companies, civil society organizations, and other key stakeholders, will come together to identify local climate challenges and outline inspiring sustainable business solutions to address them.
• Second, the Climate Champion Awards, where pre-selected ecopreneurs and green SMEs will pitch their projects, products, or services, to an expert jury and a diverse audience. Prizes include interviews by international media, mentoring by sponsors, and participation in the COP22 Summit for one global winner.

Adding local flavor, the climate innovation lab in Berlin will tackle local challenges such as clean water, a sustainable traffic infrastructure / lifestyle and alike in several workshop sessions, where sustainable organizations will solve real world problems with interdisciplinary participants. The goal is to empower ecopreneurs and scale up green business solutions that tackle climate change.

Building on the event’s energy, ECO4CLIM’s local chapter in Berlin will potentially evolve into a permanent climate innovation lab, where multi-stakeholder co-creation sessions, coupled with online crowdsourcing, will mainstream climate-championing sustainable businesses; and import, export, and replicate high-impact models from across this expanding global climate movement.

To register for the event and participate in the Climate Innovation Labs please click here. To pitch at the Awards to become the Climate Champion, apply here.

For further information, go to the website or contact ECO4CLIM’s climate organizer in Berlin:
Ulrike Hinz
GreenBuzz Berlin e.V.
Co-Founder and Board Member
M: +49 176 3151 2111
Organisers Partners

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