The European Green Economy moves forward! launches event on World Environment Day

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Press release

Berlin/Barcelona, 02.06.2015: Divest from fossils fuels – invest in green business! and join forces on World Environment Day (June 5, 2015) at Impact Hub Barcelona, in order to bring forward a sustainable and green economy in Europe.

The aim is to link the „divest from fossil fuels“ movement, led by, with the „invest in green business“ one, led by During a workshop, taking place at the Impact Hub Barcelona, several green start-ups from all over Europe will participate – some on site, other connecting online – and present sustainable business models to responsible investors from the Ecopreneur’s network, with special support from Greenbiz (Green Business Spain).

This event will give a unique insight to the eco-entrepreneurial founding scene in Europe. It allows European green start-ups to show their sustainable businesses to a European-wide audience. The participating green Start-ups – EcoHortum (Spain), Wohnwagon (Austria), Iwop (Spain), Blyss Chocolate (Germany), Growinpallet (Spain), Pur Project & Treez (France), Moves to Slow Fashion (Spain), and African Clean Energy (The Netherlands) – outline in a pitch their eco-entrepreneurial goals and practices. Alternative investors, such as the Triodos Bank and GLS Bank will discuss funding and financing issues relevant for start-ups. In an open debate following the presentations, all participants are invited to give input and discuss topics such as “The future we want: a green & fair economy”, “Signs in the present: key opportunities & barriers” and “A pathway forward: strategies & conclusions”.

The event is organized by, the European umbrella organization of national green economy associations and (through 350BCN, its local chapter in Barcelona), a grassroots-based organization building a global climate movement active in over 188 countries, with special support from Greenbiz.

It is supported by a wide range of institutions and organizations such as Barcelona, Impact Hub Barcelona, Triodos Bank (Spain), the GLS Bank (Germany), Renewable Foundation, La Manada and many others. Further information (program, participants, collaborators …) is available in this link.
Media coverage comes from Planeta Futuro EL PAÍS, Corresponsables, El Mundo Ecológico, Noticias Positivas and WirtschaftsWoche Green Economy (Germany).

Press contact and representatives of the following organizations will be on site:
Jesus Iglesias (Greenbiz):, +34 665839057
Luis Morales(Greenbiz):, +34 635973838
Juliane Reiber (UnternehmensGrün e.V.):, +49 17660905607
Frédéric Benhaim (Entreprendre Vert):, +33 688734730
Yorian Bordes (De Groene Zaak):, +31 0611886788

More information:

Dr. Katharina Reuter

European Network of Green Business Associations

c/o UnternehmensGrün e.V.
Wielandstr. 17 ++ 10629 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 325 99 683 ++ mobil: +49 (0) 178-44 81991

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